Sunday 1 July 2012

New piece

Written and performed for the IHijabi charity dinner, in aid of SOLACE (

What are you waiting for ?

Stop waiting,
For that eureka moment, or a burst of inspiration
And just begin.
You will never attain perfection,
It is your intention & excellence that will win.

It is an illusion
That age or circumstance
Will bring things into place,
Money is not the solution to all of your problems,
Neither culture, nor your race.

The path you choose today,
The one you decide to walk upon
Will not only have your footsteps,
Mothers of the believers,
Determined and strong,
Have also taken this journey
They faced obstacles in their time,
Yet despite the trials they were given
Its their Lord they turned to
To keep their souls in line.

Aisha faced gossip,
Khadija faced poverty,
Asiyah faced a tyrant husband,
Summayah faced mortality,
These tests did not stop these sisters,
But from it, their iman grew in strength,
They were reminded the life of this world,
Does not hold an eternal length.

Many challenges faced,
Harsh words spoken,
Should never leave you feeling defeated or broken.
Take inspiration from the ones who came before you
Who persevered with this deen and to it stayed true.

Muslim women who laid the foundation
Through living exemplary lives
Sisters please ask yourselves,
What are YOU leaving behind ?

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